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Reunion On Board
Upload, upload and upload lagi i didn't realized that i upload a lots. The Nipponmaru was a ship where i meet my husband, 2years after finished this program we decided to get married and where its 'Jodoh Kami' kan.. im proud to have u as My Husband. Anyway just enjoys n have a look at only some of my pictures Reunion on Board.
Date: 8 November 2008
Time: 6 - 9pm
Venue: Nipponmaru, Muara Port
Theme: Bollywood Night 
My Supportive Husband.
Special thanks to HUSBAND for EVERYTHING.
Just for info Both of us.. Xbpy02. Jodoh kan :D
My shoes n bollywood dress Tq to Husband for all of this.
Gelang Hikmahku.. also big thanks to husband for bought me this!
Zali, Noni & Me..
With Ka Bibi, My Auntie, Xbpy98
hihi berabut ni kami kana tipun malar leh mr husband's
With Ka Bulats..lama tani nda jumpa kan :)
My SG mate SG'C, tq for everything Brother Duan (YL), i really had a good time with u n our SG
Husband with Vel n XSpy02
Timah My X Officemate (bakal pengantin) n Nurol (bakal mummy muda for her 2nd baby) both of them Xbpy03. I look different kan with Nurol, sebab people said she was similar with me. Hmm..
Siti Raisah & Sala.. huhu bila kan mkn nasi minyak ni?
Noni's, someone Girlfriend :D
Adi Suriani, xbpy07 and she's my officemate
Vel My Best Buddy. His my 1st week n 3rd week buddy of mine.
With some of the dancer's that night
My Best Friend & My Best Buddy
With Pokka, Vel & Hjh Yatie (AYL)
One of lots menu yg sampat di snap..sebab kan ani ja yg sampat dimkn. Oh ya.. I ate talor yg ada inti also meat a lots. Excited sgt sampai lupa to take those picture.
With CAPTAIN yg mengemudi kapal NIPPONMARU
With Hjh Mardhiah, we shared everything kan mar... hihi apatu ah?
Bpy 02 in memory
My Sseayp Family
For Us, this is a MUST background to take a picture..
Sing a song of Nipponmaru while holding hands.. :'( cedihhhhh but where am i masa ni? with duan's and refresh our memory.
Pg Sharin & Wife.. (Hasif family :D)
chubby family kan kami tu.. hihih
Some of my batch.. yg lain entah kemana
With Ka Anna Nazurah.. sis u've got nice colour yeh
The Winner of Best Female Dress - Kak Tom hihi jatuh takhta ku tahun ni..
Posed with THE WINNER
With Ka Nurol, Kak Mar, Hjh Mar & Ka Manah.. kan balik ni masih sampat posing
10 ulasan:
banyak nye gambar...
kalau ikutkan lagi byk ni nas.. tapi ni je la yg nak post. hihi
amboiiii..... thum pyar hey.. thum pagal hey.. tum pagar mana hey.. hehe... cun..:D
wah wah wah..
glamour you! very the boolywood. syiok arr.. :)
zie..jelas skali aku nengok wajah ko..hehehe..kuch kuch hota hey..hehhee..sporting nyer korang asben wife...ikut theme!!! i likee la uuu...hehehehe
cunnya ko zie..ala bollywood gitu..
amboi lawanya..kena sgt tema bollywood ko zie..mekap pun canteks...cuma tudung melayang kejap..kahhhhh,...
hahah tudung? hmm errr.. sebelum itu aku dah minta permission kat somi bole ke tak hilangkan tudung untuk mlm itu saja. ternyata jawapannya boleh! tq :)
romantik & sportingnye hj rock...bertuah le dpt somi yg gitu zie!!!cantik ko zie...putih melepak!!!
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