Received this tag from Eda Australia few days ago. "Tq Eda!!"
Do you think you are hot?
Erm... nope
Upload a picture of you
Why do you like this picture?
Even my self didn't look nice and proper but really love this picture. 1st day as a mother where i am concentrated view my baby.
When was the last time u eat pizza?
November Last year
The last song you listen to?
Lagu Untukmu from Meet Uncle Husien
What are you doing right now beside doing this?
Watching Tv
What name you prefer beside yours?
Just my name that i had now
People to tagged:-
1. Alaity
2. Dillah
2.Kak Ai
4. Ayu Fizara
Who is no 1?
My sister, the only real sister that i had now
Who is no 2?
My Cousin, orgnya tinggi lampai.. fuh kalah aku then suka sgt beujan and bebanjir.
Who is no 3?
Mother of 4 beautiful girl. Seorg yg sangat tabah and cekal.
Who is no 4?
Mummy of Izz, cute little boy. She motivated me a lot in breastfeed my baby.
Who is no 5?
Ayu, knew her from her cute blog. Love your blog girl!
Do you think you are hot?
Erm... nope
Upload a picture of you
Even my self didn't look nice and proper but really love this picture. 1st day as a mother where i am concentrated view my baby.
When was the last time u eat pizza?
November Last year
The last song you listen to?
Lagu Untukmu from Meet Uncle Husien
What are you doing right now beside doing this?
Watching Tv
What name you prefer beside yours?
Just my name that i had now
People to tagged:-
1. Alaity
2. Dillah
2.Kak Ai
4. Ayu Fizara
Who is no 1?
My sister, the only real sister that i had now
Who is no 2?
My Cousin, orgnya tinggi lampai.. fuh kalah aku then suka sgt beujan and bebanjir.
Who is no 3?
Mother of 4 beautiful girl. Seorg yg sangat tabah and cekal.
Who is no 4?
Mummy of Izz, cute little boy. She motivated me a lot in breastfeed my baby.
Who is no 5?
Ayu, knew her from her cute blog. Love your blog girl!
6 ulasan:
zie...aku tgk gambo ko pegang hana ni..lagi rase x sabo nak jpe korang anak banak!!!kejap hana dah nak,can produce for the 2nd bb lor...hope so..ahhah
wah sya...pepandai je soh si zie prodce 2nd baby, dia tu biler pulak? ye tak zie?hahahah
ralit sungguh zie membelek hana yang comey itew sekarang bertambah comey persis mummynye...
tak sabar tunggu bulan 3 nak laga2 pipi ngan hang & hj rock. eh, hj rock lak!kahhhhh ampun zie
Alahai..sweetnye pic tu. :P
tp malangnya, KAK AI tu dah penah buat tag ni la..keh keh..:P maka dengan ini, terlepas la aku dari membuatnya semula!!! wek wek
so sweeeetttt... first time begelar ibu sangat2 bermakna dalam hidup kita kan zie kan....
Wahhhh i've been tagged again...
Ok, gonna do it soon...
tahnx for "love ur cute blog girl.."
baguss zie..akhirnya siap keje ko..nanti lenkali aku bag keje lagi..hehe
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