Date: 17 February 2009
Time: 8-11pm
Venue: Berry Wan Hotpot, Gadong
Member: Sseayp Family (9 person)
Invited by Kak Tom to join them mkn steamboat. Our 1st time makan sini the steamboat is so nyummy, hot, delicious & superb!! Buffet style berbaloi la dgn harga $10 per head.

Time: 8-11pm
Venue: Berry Wan Hotpot, Gadong
Member: Sseayp Family (9 person)
Invited by Kak Tom to join them mkn steamboat. Our 1st time makan sini the steamboat is so nyummy, hot, delicious & superb!! Buffet style berbaloi la dgn harga $10 per head.
8 ulasan:
wahhhhh...makan..makan..aku suka ini makanan..sedapppp
Sadapnyaaa zieeeee..nyam..nyam...
dapnyer steambot... herm rase teringin plak...
wahh..steambot tu. aku tingin steambot kak aii..huwaaaaaaaa
uwaaaaa, sedapnyeeeee
tertelan air liur aku!
next time aku nk wat stimbot kuah tomyam lak la.. ;P
~x mo jemput sue..kahhhhhhhhhhhh
pergh lady..buat aku terliur jek tau..huhuhuh,,,,sedapnyer...
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