My Birthday was actually on 6th March. Remember two of my good friends celebrate my birthday in advance on 4th Mac? This entry is another celebration surprise for me.
2nd Suprise Celebration
Date: 6th March
Venue: My Home Sweet Home (Di Dapur)
Time: Morning its around 11am
Incharge: My Sister Alaity & Alai, My Brother Fakhrul And to both of my parents Babah & Mummy
Story: Hehe they suprise inda menjadi sebab when they'r ready to prepare my cake i went down to the kitchen and then Gotchhaaaaa.. hihihi
2nd Suprise Celebration
Date: 6th March
Venue: My Home Sweet Home (Di Dapur)
Time: Morning its around 11am
Incharge: My Sister Alaity & Alai, My Brother Fakhrul And to both of my parents Babah & Mummy
Story: Hehe they suprise inda menjadi sebab when they'r ready to prepare my cake i went down to the kitchen and then Gotchhaaaaa.. hihihi
3rd Suprise Celebration
Date: 6th Mac
Venue: Also my home sweet home (Our kitchen)
Time: 5.30pm
Incharge: My Lovely Husband
Story: This is a suprise celebration also, went to our neighbour engagement day bila balik rumah ja suprise my husband ada di rumah where acctually on dat day his suppose to be working. Cake was ready on a table.. Tq Syg
Love the design and the color. Tq Syg!
That night my husband ckp want to bring for dinner at our favroutie restaurant. Rupanya his made another suprise bring me to Pantai Restaurant at Empire Hotel. So Nyumyyyy...
Also received Cash from My MIL.(Also in my wishing list) Tq MIL :D
Love this new one syg.. tq tq tq for make my wish come true
My 4th Suprise Celebration
Date: 7th March
Venue: Manjaro Cafe, Kiulap
Time: Around 8pm till 11.30pm
Incharge: Dr Siti & Yency
Story: Hang out with my two best friends, didnt expect for it at all. Really suprise sebab buat time kan balik. Tq Girls. Love u both.
Tq to My Husband jua sebab let me free that night and balik lambat. Tq jaga Hana smpai 12 mid night :D
5th Suprise Celebration
Time: 8th March
Venue: Teratak Uda S & K, Rimba
Time: 2-5pm
Incharge: All MY Family
Story: This suprise is acctually for my Babu who celebrate her birthday on 4th March. Surprise because had cake for me also. Tq Alls Love u
Antara acara yang diadakan.. makan2 time & fun with Bauncer
Big thanks to My Husband, My Siblings, Mummy & Babah, Babu, Aunties & Uncles, Cuzzie, All My Family, My Best Friends , My Good Friends,My fFriends, My Friends, MY Blog reader to everyone dimana saja berada, whenever it is yang sudi celebrate my suprise birthday, yang sudi wishing thorugh Sms, blog or even fb Tq tq tq all for remember my birthday and wish me also sudi spend lots of money & time for me.
P/s: Nest year lagi ye :D
9 ulasan:
1stly.....happy belated besday zie... ...muahh..muahhh..muahhh..
byknye surprise cake ko dapat....
betuah badan.....
Mak aiiiii!!
Bertuah badan kau Ladybird!! Banyak gilos kek yg kau dapat. presents lagi..bestnyeeeee
wah lady...bestnya smpi 5 kali celebrate besday...bdn pun makin berisi skrg hihhihihi...senang hati bertuah lady dpt husband & family camtu...
adeh dang..banyak jua kek ko dapat..bulan ani makan kek laa nganya ko..adehhhh siuknyaa dpt byk hadiah..aku ani manakan time damit nda bercelebrtae beday..time tua ani pun adehhh lagi tah..alhamdulillah eh..
p/s lawa jua Coach atuuuu...peewittt..
zie, syoknye banyak celebration!! ku ter jeles la pulak. hahaha...
ape2 pun, happy birthday again. moga impian termakbul di usia ni. :D
woww syoknye..byk celebration..banyak cakessssssssss!!..i likkeee..;)
hai salam singgah:D
hepi belated besday zie...wah ...sioknya ko zie....asyik mkn kek jelah ko yer...hehe
apie belated beday zie ku cyangsemoga panjang umur..dimurahkan rezeki mu...sungguh bertua ye ko zie..dapat byk surprise party..surprise cake lagi..sonok weh...tapi jgn mkn kek manyak2..nanti tembun..hehehe
epy belated besday zie... wahhh besar2an smbt besday ko eh... x ckup sebijik kek, berbijik2 ko dapat eh kahhhhhhhhhh.... nway... semoga pjg umur n murah rezeki slaluuuuu....
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