"Aku tersangatt sangat la bz sya and here it is"

Kenal ngan Mak Dina ni since 2007 dari kapet cipet yang diberi laluan oleh Yana. Since i know her, orangnya peramah teramat lah peramah. Feel my self too close with her walau hakikatnya belom pernah jumpa. Seorg yg suka mendgr and cepat menyelesaikan masaalah org. Sgt sinonim dgn kaler merah. Oh ya she had a very cute daughter. Sgt cute!! Yg pasti Syafawati binti Shamioon mak Nur Syaza Irdina and bini kepada Encik Zulhairy Muhammad adalah member M.com. Insyaallah Mac thn ni akan ada kesempatan jumpa ngan dak merah and geng yg lain.
10 things about me:-
1- Married with my hero on 11 September 2005
2- Start to be a mother of Adibah Hana Safiyyah on 12 February 2008, 5.15pm
3- Will be 28th this coming 6 March
4- Coming to be a housewife
5- Love Purple colour
6- Really love shopping (walaupun jalan sampai sakit kaki aku akan tetap bershopping)
7- Im the 1st daughter from 4 siblings
8- Pendiam - huh thats me!! But when i start to know and close with someone i'll be opposite
9- Sgt tidak suka pada org yg suka berckp besar (angkat bakul sendiri! piraaaa ptui) and hates people yang main belakang. No No bukan yg itu but talk bad things about people but then infront pretend nothing pijak semut pun nda mati.
10- A wife of Hj Zaini Hj Omar :D lops yaw